I.B.O Water Engineering Solutions | Water Solutions in Uganda

+(256) 760248205, +(256) 785925985


Solar Solutions

Solar Solutions

We provide an extensive range of Solar products and systems.

solar panels

Solar can be used for;

1.Water Heating

2.Electricity generation

3. Lighting


  1. Solar power systems convert sunlight into electricity, providing a renewable and sustainable energy source. By installing solar panels, individuals and businesses can generate their own electricity, reducing their reliance on grid power and lowering their utility bills.


Our Services include;


Solar Installation

We design and install for you a customized solar system that meets your energy needs and complies with local regulations. This includes selecting the right solar panels, inverters, and mounting systems.

Solar Water Heaters

We provide a detailed quote that includes the cost of the solar water heater unit, installation, and any additional components required. Once approved, our experienced technicians handle the installation process efficiently and professionally, ensuring that your solar water heater is set up for maximum performance and energy efficiency.

solar water heater

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